The Nice programming language

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Compilation instructions

Nice source files are grouped by packages. A package is the compilation unit in Nice. Each package resides in a separate directory. I suggest you create a root directory for your nice packages:

mkdir ~/nice

Each time you begin writing a new package, just create a directory for it. For instance, for package my.program:

mkdir -p ~/nice/my/program

Then you place all the Nice source files, with .nice extension, in that directory. The names of the files have no importance for the compiler, but they should be meaningful to you of course. To compile your new package:

cd ~/nice
nicec my.program

The reason why it is necessary to enter the packages directory (~/nice) is that the default path for looking up source packages is the current directory. It is possible to specify it using --sourcepath option. The previous example is this equivalent to:

nicec --sourcepath=~/nice my.program

To get a list of the compiler's command line options, use: nicec --help or nicec -h (GNU style options are used, thanks to package nice.opt).

If your package has a void main(String[] args) function definition, then it is executable. The compiler accepts the argument -a program.jar, and produces a Jar archive with the given name that is appropriate for execution with java:

nicec -a program.jar my.program
java -jar program.jar

The program.jar file is self-contained. It can be run by any simple JVM.

If you need to put additional jars on the classpath to run your program, you cannot use the java -jar command, because it ignores the classpath. You then need to use java -classpath "lib1.jar:lib2.jar:program.jar" my.program.dispatch (use ; instead of : on Windows systems).

All imported packages are found automatically, and recompiled if necessary. Nice enjoys separate compilation.

Instead of starting the compiler in a terminal, you can of course automate this by using a build system. If you are familiar with make, you can just invoke the compiler as above in a Makefile. There is also a nicec task for the Ant build system. The use of Nice with Ant is documented in the Wiki.

Daniel Bonniot